Class QueryCapture


public class QueryCapture extends Object
A QueryCapture contains additional information about queries against SSH, Kubernetes, and RDP resources.
  • Constructor Details

    • QueryCapture

      public QueryCapture()
  • Method Details

    • getClientCommand

      public String getClientCommand()
      The command executed on the client for a Kubernetes session.
    • setClientCommand

      public void setClientCommand(String in)
      The command executed on the client for a Kubernetes session.
    • getCommand

      public String getCommand()
      The command executed over an SSH or Kubernetes session.
    • setCommand

      public void setCommand(String in)
      The command executed over an SSH or Kubernetes session.
    • getContainer

      public String getContainer()
      The target container of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setContainer

      public void setContainer(String in)
      The target container of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getEnv

      public Map<String,String> getEnv()
      The environment variables for an SSH or Kubernetes session.
    • setEnv

      public void setEnv(Map<String,String> in)
      The environment variables for an SSH or Kubernetes session.
    • getFileName

      public String getFileName()
      The remote file name of an SCP operation.
    • setFileName

      public void setFileName(String in)
      The remote file name of an SCP operation.
    • getFileSize

      public long getFileSize()
      The file size transferred for an SCP operation.
    • setFileSize

      public void setFileSize(long in)
      The file size transferred for an SCP operation.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      The height of the terminal or window for SSH, Kubernetes, and RDP interactive sessions.
    • setHeight

      public void setHeight(int in)
      The height of the terminal or window for SSH, Kubernetes, and RDP interactive sessions.
    • getImpersonationGroups

      public List<String> getImpersonationGroups()
      The impersonation groups of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setImpersonationGroups

      public void setImpersonationGroups(List<String> in)
      The impersonation groups of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getImpersonationUser

      public String getImpersonationUser()
      The impersonation user of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setImpersonationUser

      public void setImpersonationUser(String in)
      The impersonation user of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getPod

      public String getPod()
      The target pod of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setPod

      public void setPod(String in)
      The target pod of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getPrivilegeGroups

      public List<String> getPrivilegeGroups()
      The additional impersonation groups, as granted by privilege levels, of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setPrivilegeGroups

      public void setPrivilegeGroups(List<String> in)
      The additional impersonation groups, as granted by privilege levels, of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getRequestBody

      public byte[] getRequestBody()
      The HTTP request body of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setRequestBody

      public void setRequestBody(byte[] in)
      The HTTP request body of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getRequestMethod

      public String getRequestMethod()
      The HTTP request method of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setRequestMethod

      public void setRequestMethod(String in)
      The HTTP request method of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getRequestUri

      public String getRequestUri()
      The HTTP request URI of a Kubernetes operation.
    • setRequestUri

      public void setRequestUri(String in)
      The HTTP request URI of a Kubernetes operation.
    • getType

      public String getType()
      The CaptureType of this query capture, one of the CaptureType constants.
    • setType

      public void setType(String in)
      The CaptureType of this query capture, one of the CaptureType constants.
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      The width of the terminal or window for SSH, Kubernetes, and RDP interactive sessions.
    • setWidth

      public void setWidth(int in)
      The width of the terminal or window for SSH, Kubernetes, and RDP interactive sessions.