Class RedshiftServerlessIAM

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RedshiftServerlessIAM extends Object implements Resource
RedshiftServerlessIAM is currently unstable, and its API may change, or it may be removed, without a major version bump.
  • Constructor Details

    • RedshiftServerlessIAM

      public RedshiftServerlessIAM()
  • Method Details

    • getBindInterface

      public String getBindInterface()
      The bind interface is the IP address to which the port override of a resource is bound (for example, It is automatically generated if not provided.
      Specified by:
      getBindInterface in interface Resource
    • setBindInterface

      public void setBindInterface(String in)
      The bind interface is the IP address to which the port override of a resource is bound (for example, It is automatically generated if not provided.
      Specified by:
      setBindInterface in interface Resource
    • getDatabase

      public String getDatabase()
      The initial database to connect to. This setting does not by itself prevent switching to another database after connecting.
    • setDatabase

      public void setDatabase(String in)
      The initial database to connect to. This setting does not by itself prevent switching to another database after connecting.
    • getEgressFilter

      public String getEgressFilter()
      A filter applied to the routing logic to pin datasource to nodes.
      Specified by:
      getEgressFilter in interface Resource
    • setEgressFilter

      public void setEgressFilter(String in)
      A filter applied to the routing logic to pin datasource to nodes.
      Specified by:
      setEgressFilter in interface Resource
    • getHealthy

      public boolean getHealthy()
      True if the datasource is reachable and the credentials are valid.
    • setHealthy

      public void setHealthy(boolean in)
      True if the datasource is reachable and the credentials are valid.
    • getHostname

      public String getHostname()
      The host to dial to initiate a connection from the egress node to this resource.
    • setHostname

      public void setHostname(String in)
      The host to dial to initiate a connection from the egress node to this resource.
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Unique identifier of the Resource.
      Specified by:
      getId in interface Resource
    • setId

      public void setId(String in)
      Unique identifier of the Resource.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Unique human-readable name of the Resource.
      Specified by:
      getName in interface Resource
    • setName

      public void setName(String in)
      Unique human-readable name of the Resource.
      Specified by:
      setName in interface Resource
    • getOverrideDatabase

      public boolean getOverrideDatabase()
      If set, the database configured cannot be changed by users. This setting is not recommended for most use cases, as some clients will insist their database has changed when it has not, leading to user confusion.
    • setOverrideDatabase

      public void setOverrideDatabase(boolean in)
      If set, the database configured cannot be changed by users. This setting is not recommended for most use cases, as some clients will insist their database has changed when it has not, leading to user confusion.
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
      The port to dial to initiate a connection from the egress node to this resource.
    • setPort

      public void setPort(int in)
      The port to dial to initiate a connection from the egress node to this resource.
    • getPortOverride

      public int getPortOverride()
      The local port used by clients to connect to this resource.
    • setPortOverride

      public void setPortOverride(int in)
      The local port used by clients to connect to this resource.
    • getProxyClusterId

      public String getProxyClusterId()
      ID of the proxy cluster for this resource, if any.
    • setProxyClusterId

      public void setProxyClusterId(String in)
      ID of the proxy cluster for this resource, if any.
    • getRegion

      public String getRegion()
      The AWS region to connect to.
    • setRegion

      public void setRegion(String in)
      The AWS region to connect to.
    • getRoleAssumptionArn

      public String getRoleAssumptionArn()
      If provided, the gateway/relay will try to assume this role instead of the underlying compute's role.
    • setRoleAssumptionArn

      public void setRoleAssumptionArn(String in)
      If provided, the gateway/relay will try to assume this role instead of the underlying compute's role.
    • getSecretStoreId

      public String getSecretStoreId()
      ID of the secret store containing credentials for this resource, if any.
      Specified by:
      getSecretStoreId in interface Resource
    • setSecretStoreId

      public void setSecretStoreId(String in)
      ID of the secret store containing credentials for this resource, if any.
      Specified by:
      setSecretStoreId in interface Resource
    • getSubdomain

      public String getSubdomain()
      Subdomain is the local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 turns into
    • setSubdomain

      public void setSubdomain(String in)
      Subdomain is the local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 turns into
    • getTags

      public Map<String,String> getTags()
      Tags is a map of key, value pairs.
      Specified by:
      getTags in interface Resource
    • setTags

      public void setTags(Map<String,String> in)
      Tags is a map of key, value pairs.
      Specified by:
      setTags in interface Resource
    • getWorkgroup

      public String getWorkgroup()
      Workgroup name in the serverless Redshift
    • setWorkgroup

      public void setWorkgroup(String in)
      Workgroup name in the serverless Redshift