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To enable monitoring you need to set the variable SDM_EXPOSE_METRICS=true.

After enabling it, a metrics endpoint will available at port 3142. There you can see the following metrics:

  • accessbot_total_received_messages - total count of received messages
  • accessbot_total_access_requests - total count of received access requests messages
  • accessbot_total_pending_access_requests - total count of pending access requests
  • accessbot_total_manual_approvals - total count of manually approved access requests
  • accessbot_total_auto_approvals - total count of auto approved access requests
  • accessbot_total_denied_access_requests - total count of manually denied access requests
  • accessbot_total_timed_out_access_requests - total count of timed out access requests
  • accessbot_total_consecutive_errors - total count of consecutive errors

To see an example, follow these steps:

  1. Download the file docker-compose-prometheus.yaml;
    • Make sure that your env-file is properly configured following the env-file.example template
  2. Run with your preferred container orchestrator (with docker, you can simply run docker-compose -f docker-compose-prometheus.yaml up)

Now you can go to the AccessBot Metrics Grafana Dashboard in http://localhost:3000/d/982GyKX7z/accessbot-metrics and see the following charts:

1 - Received Messages Count (accessbot_total_received_messages metric):


2 - Access Requests Count (accessbot_total_access_requests metric):


3 - Pending Access Requests Count (accessbot_total_pending_access_requests metric):


4 - Manually Approved Access Requests Count (accessbot_total_manual_approvals metric):


5 - Auto Approved Access Requests Count (accessbot_total_auto_approvals metric):


6 - Manually Denied Access Requests Count (accessbot_total_denied_access_requests metric):


7 - Timed Out Access Requests Count (accessbot_total_timed_out_access_requests metric):


8 - Total Consecutive Errors Count (accessbot_total_consecutive_errors metric):


9 - Last Execution Status (accessbot_total_consecutive_errors metric - 0 means that everything is fine, 1 means that the last execution(s) failed):
